Ever wondering why King George V changed the name of the royal family from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor in 1917. Leave the history aside, the construction of the name itself annouced the principle really well.

Windsor, could be de-constructed into wind-s-or, and, wind-sor, followed by two meanings: 1, or of s-ing the wind, a person with ability to see wind, and 2. or of winds, a person with ability of handling winds. As the single and only surviving and influential monarchy. Its royal mehtod and code of conduct has been described in both interpretation perfectly, a method, that was introduced by Darwin in his on the origin of species during 1850s, and a code of conduct, that was introduced by Thorndick in his law of effect during 1890s. The pair had been dominating and still dominates the western political and scientific world.